Welcome to the Class of 2024

Two students pose in front of statue on campis

The friends you’ve made for life, the classes, the memories. This is your time, your celebration. Leeds will always be part of your story, and we’re proud that you’re part of ours.

Welcome to the Leeds alumni community. You are part of the University of Leeds community for life, and here in the Advancement team we will help you keep that Leeds feeling, forever.

Stay tuned to our Instagram stories throughout graduation fortnight, as we headed out to meet the Class of 2024. And find out how you can win a Leeds gift, so you have a bit of Leeds with you wherever you might go.

Discover how Leeds can continue to support you once you graduate, and enjoy messages from alumni all over the world – giving you a glimpse of the global network you'll enter as part of the Leeds alumni community.

Congratulations on your achievement, and good luck with your next steps – Leeds will be with you for every single one of them.

Best wishes,

Phil Steel signature

Phil Steel
Head of Alumni Engagement
University of Leeds

Share your celebration and win a Leeds gift

Student celebrates graduation on Parkinson steps

We're going to be with you every step of the way on your graduation day and beyond. To celebrate your success, we'll be giving away number of Leeds gifts because, well, you deserve it.

Hoodies, mugs, t-shirts – our prizes will help make sure that wherever you may go, you'll always have a bit of Leeds with you.

To be in with a chance to win a Leeds gift, follow @LeedsAlumni on Instagram or Twitter. Then, share your favourite celebration snap with us using #LeedsGrad.

Stay connected

And order your Leeds pin badge

A close up of graduates in front of the entrance to the Great Hall

The best way to make sure you don’t miss a thing is by email.

In our regular email newsletters, we will share the latest news with you, provide career support, invite you to events relevant to you and let you know about all the ways you can get involved.  

But only if we have permission to email you. 

Complete the form to update your communication preferences (which you can change at any time).

And in case you didn't collect your University of Leeds pin badge at graduation, don't worry. You'll have the opportunity to order one in the form below, too.

Support for life

Family pose for photo on campus during graduation

Once students graduate, they become lifelong alumni of their university. Now you’re a Leeds alum, you join a diverse global community of 320,000 graduates from over 197 countries, so a Leeds friend is never far away. 

And there are countless other ways you benefit as a member of our community.

  • Events – Online and in-person events and networking opportunities
  • Careers support – Whatever your next planned steps are, our Careers Centre can help
  • Alumni benefits – from accessing the finest Leeds minds, to tuition fee bursaries, discover how to make the most of becoming a Leeds alum

A global community

Read and watch messages from members of the Leeds alumni community all across the world

An overhead view of the university campus at nighttime

Jonny Brownlee (History 2012; Hon LLD 2013)

Naga Munchetty (English Literature and Language 1997)

Georgina Thomasson (Mental Health Nursing 1996)

Image of a framed photo of a graduating student

Always be self aware and reflective. Identify your strengths and promote yourself. Enjoy your life! You have worked hard to get to this point. Keep that mentality and strive for success, however that looks for you.

Dr William Schofield (Chemistry 1955; PhD Organic Chemistry 1959)

Dr Schofield smiles at camera

Congratulations on all the hard work you must have put into your studies. I hope you have enjoyed your time at Leeds, I know I enjoyed my own six years there. I wish you all the very best for the future whatever you might want to do and will always look on your years spent at Leeds with great affection.

Whatever difficulties will inevitably face you in life my advice as a true Yorkshireman is "keep on going until you get to the end of the road."

Abasi Oseni (MSc Structural Engineering 2010)

Abasi poses in a suit for profile image

The University of Leeds made me a more rounded person in my career. It was a route to unbelievable opportunities. My advice to the young graduates is for them to try and be the best, no matter the situation you find yourself.

Jacqueline Lorch (English and Greek Civilization 1977)

Take a job in an area that interests you and don't worry too much about a career path at first. There are so many options you can't be aware of until you've had some work experience of your own. Wherever you work, be the person who gets things done - you'll get so many new opportunities that way.

Florence Nagaratnam (English 1996)

Three women sit together smiling at camera

Congrats. Keep an open mind. Think out of the box. Be honest, sincere and tough. Work hard.

Rabia Noor (Health Management Planning and Policy 2018)

Profile image of Rabia

Prioritize work you love that benefits others, such as volunteering or community projects. Embrace opportunities that align with your passions and positively impact society. This approach not only brings personal fulfilment but also contributes to the greater good, fostering a sense of purpose and connection with the community.

Colin Jones (Mechanical Engineering 1970)

You will never forget your graduation and indeed your time at Leeds but remember it’s a springboard. What you achieve in work and how you ethically approach your career and how you treat others is what will ultimately define you. Good luck for your future.

Jonathan Sharp (Chinese Studies 1967)

Don't be afraid to aim high. Studying Chinese at Leeds was a genuine life-changer for me. It set me on my 30-year career as a foreign correspondent reporting top news stories in more than 30 countries. The best advice I received on becoming a journalist was: Learn to write well and have a lot of common sense.

Kaizin Sadri (Corporate Communications & Public Relations 2016)

Kaizin sits at a table at a formal event

Stay committed to your dreams and true to yourself. This will help you find the right kind of roles. Don't stop learning.

Ajjeet Verghese (Mechatronics and Robotics 2020)

Profile image

Be patient: Early success builds an ego, slow success builds character. Continue to learn, stay humble, be adaptive and my personal favourite build a strong network.

Caroline Smith (1997)

Smiling group picture taken at reunion event

1994-1997. Stay in touch. Best friends you’ll ever have

James Story (Cinema & Photography 2012)

James Story profile image

I'd recommend specialising as early as possible and getting really good at one thing in particular - good enough for people to rely on you for it. This will make you comfortable and confident in your value while you broaden your skills in the future.

Katherine Jones

Congratulations! Follow your dreams and don’t give up – even if someone tries to shatter your confidence. Just do your best and prove them wrong.

Sarah Arthur (1988)

Sarah Arthur and four friends on graduation day

Congratulations to all the graduates. We loved our time at Leeds – 35 years on and four housemates just back from a week’s holiday together. Keep an open mind and let your knowledge, experiences and friendships help you as you all build your future lives.

Wentao Guo (MSc Materials Science and Engineering 2022)

Happy graduation! All the best wishes to all graduates! I hope you find your own path and achieve your dreams. Welcome to the big family.

Harry Tolmie-Thomson (History of Art and Cultural Studies 2022)

Congratulations! It's been a difficult time to be a student, but you have done it, and overcome so much along the way. You deserve to enjoy every second of your special day, so savour every moment.

You are now a member of the huge Leeds alumni global community and that is a special thing. You may well be leaving Leeds but Leeds doesn't have to leave you. There is still so much to be a part of. Here's to a bright future!

Ruth Marris-Macaulay (History 1970)

Do what you feel passionate about. This might not mean going for the money, but you will be rewarded by being happy and fulfilled in your work. After an early career in publishing and museums, I taught history for 34 years, not retiring until I was 75 because I enjoyed going to work every day and keeping up to date with developments in education.

Believe in yourself, but be ready to listen to advice from those who have more experience. And then weigh it up - you don't have to take it, but you do have to think about it. Be true to yourself, don't become obsessed with what other people think, but be ready to explain if and why you differ. Take care of yourself - eat well, exercise and rest - you will perform better in your work if you do.

Scholar stories 2024

Class of 2024 graduates tell us about their time at Leeds - and the impact of scholarship support

An image of graduating students capturing a selfie with parents

Widening participation scholars

For 20 years, alumni-supported scholarships have enabled students from less advantaged backgrounds to meet their basic needs and access the University’s full range of opportunities and experiences.

We were so pleased to celebrate graduation with some of our scholars this year.

Find out more about a new project which will transform support for students at Leeds and give thousands more the opportunity to thrive, no matter their background.

Beatrice Kalinowska: Sustainability and Environmental Management

Sedek Abrahem: Law

Profile image of Sedek
Can you tell us some highlights from your time at Leeds?

My time at Leeds moulded me into the person I am today. It was here that I discovered many passions I didn’t know I had, such as photography, which became a creative outlet and a way to capture my experiences. The diverse and vibrant community at Leeds introduced me to incredible people who enriched my life. Among them, I met my best friend, with whom I shared countless memorable moments and academic challenges. The university's supportive environment and numerous opportunities for personal growth helped me mature and gain confidence in my abilities.

How did your scholarship help you?

My scholarship helped me immensely by alleviating financial worries, allowing me to focus entirely on my studies. This financial support was crucial in enabling me to take full advantage of the educational and extracurricular opportunities available at Leeds. Without the burden of financial stress, I was able to participate in various university societies that enhanced my university experience.

What's your favourite memory from your time at Leeds?

My favourite Leeds memory is from the 8 July, when I opened my results and saw that I had achieved a first in law. This moment was incredibly gratifying, as it validated all the hard work, late nights, and dedication I had invested in my studies. It was a powerful reminder that perseverance and commitment pay off, and it marked a significant milestone in my academic journey.

Dalton Harrison: Criminal Justice and Criminology

Enterprise scholar

Spark, an alumni-funded enterprise programme, supports students to develop business ideas whilst they study at Leeds. Spark scholarship recipients benefit from grants and a programme of tailored business support, which includes advice and mentoring from business experts.

We were delighted to celebrate with one Spark scholar as he graduated this summer.

Discover more about a new fundraising project which will build on the work of Spark to transform Leeds into an enterprise hub, enabling students to tackle the problems of tomorrow.

Zachary Morgan: Electronic & Electrical Engineering

Zac receives his degree certificate on the stage
Tell us about the idea you worked on during the Spark programme.

My Spark idea was a company called "Make Maths Easier", which is an online learning platform helping children in primary school to learn mathematics. They receive instant feedback as to what they are getting right and wrong, and they are encouraged to come back daily to learn and sharing their progress. It was created to tackle dyscalculia and help children struggling with maths to alleviate pressure and learn at their own speed while allowing higher achieving students to continue pushing themselves further.

How did Spark help you?

Spark helped me immensely during the creation of my company by giving me opportunities to present my idea, providing funds to help progress my idea and perhaps most importantly giving me the encouragement and support to push the idea forward. I especially want to thank Brian Baillie for his encouragement and enthusiasm for my company as well as to Kairen Skelley for her support and for providing ideas on how to push my business forward.

During my time with Spark I was awarded the scholarship and achieved first place in the business plan competition in the pre-trading category.

I also won the IET Young Pioneer of the Year award with support from Spark. This award is given for tech ideas that are borne out of issues that young people care about.

What are your plans for after graduation?

Currently I am preparing for my new role at the Met Office as a Technician Engineer working on weather radars. However, I am planning to continue work on "Make Maths Easier" in the future.

Alumni stories

Keir Starmer stands in front of his student house in Hyde Park

From LS2 to every corner of the world, every Leeds graduate has a story to tell. Through our annual magazine, regular features and our weekly podcasts, discover the different paths and be inspired by your fellow Leeds alumni. 

Forever Leeds

320,000 alumni
197 countries
One global community

Never miss a moment. Stay in touch and follow us @LeedsAlumni

A picture of university buildings in the sunshine