Climate Plan Update:
September to November 2023

The University of Leeds Climate Plan sets out how we will support climate change mitigation and adaptation up to 2030, while also contributing to a healthier, greener and fairer place to live, work and study.
This quarterly update sets out the progress made from September to November 2023 towards the climate principle ‘Delivering Net Zero by 2030’.
Progress on all seven principles will be reported annually in the Climate Plan progress report. Regular updates to our University community will be available throughout the year through the Climate Plan Sharepoint hub, alongide key updates on the University website.
This is the seventh report to update the University community on progress made since the Climate Plan and Pathway to Net Zero was approved by our Council in November 2021. See our previous reports on our Climate Plan reporting page.
For further information on our Climate Plan, visit our Climate Plan Spotlight article, which links to our Pathway to Net Zero Emissions report.
Delivering Net Zero by 2030

Work completed so far:
- Presented the Net Zero Delivery Plan, including an outline of key projects that will deliver the bulk of emissions reductions required from our estate, to the University Council. They endorsed the plan and approved the drawdown of £26.7m from the total agreed £152.8m programme funding for initial works.
- Developed a long term resourcing strategy and secured the funding for additional programme roles.
- Agreed the additional electricity capacity required to deliver net zero and meet the University’s future needs. This will allow a planned order to Northern Power Grid in the new year.
- Agreed the requirements for investment in renewable energy generation ahead of a planned tender in 2024.
Upcoming plans
- Share the Net Zero Delivery Plan with the University community.
- Commence exploratory drilling for geothermal energy on campus, including communicating with those likely to be impacted by the work.
- Investigate further opportunities for earlier emissions reduction projects.
- Commence a pilot project to better measure supply chain emissions as part of Net Zero Plus workstream.
- Complete the Net Zero Annual Report for review by the Research Partnership Committee as part of their Annual Review of the Climate Plan.
University greenhouse gas emissions
To account for the time required to receive validated energy use data, this update reports on Scope 1 and 2 emissions for May to July 2023, excluding vehicles, agricultural emissions and the escape of greenhouse gases from air conditioning units.
Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions from owned or controlled sources, such as natural gas used in our boilers. Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions, generated from purchased energy.
Figures represent tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions.
Previous year (2022/23): 10,218 tCO2e.
This year (2023/24): 11,543 tCO2e.
Difference: 13% increase.