Governance and setting up

the delivery programme

Two hands, one holding a pen as if to start writing

Following the University Council’s approval of the Climate Plan in November 2021, we developed the Climate Principles Programme to deliver the Plan’s objectives. It retains the principles that make up the Climate Plan, each of which is overseen by a member of the University Executive Group:

  • Delivering Net Zero by 2030, overseen by Ann Allen (Director of Campus Innovation and Development)
  • Achieving Sustainable Travel, overseen by Selina Stead (Executive Dean of Environment)
  • Supporting a Net Zero City and Reorienting Research and Teaching, both overseen by Nick Plant (Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research and Innovation)
  • Providing a Sustainable Curriculum, overseen by Jeff Grabill (Deputy Vice Chancellor, Student Education)
  • Shaping Institutional Decision Making, overseen by Jennifer Sewel (University Secretary)
  • Enabling Responsible Investment, overseen by Jane Madeley (Chief Financial Officer)

The Climate Principles Programme Board, a group with overall accountability for delivery, is managing activity and reporting to the University’s Executive Group and its Council. The Board comprises senior University leadership, including academics and a broad range of stakeholders across staff and student bodies.

Professor Hai-Sui Yu, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, is University executive sponsor for the delivery of the Climate Plan chairs the Climate Principles Programme Board.

Next section: 2) Progress against our objectives

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