Equity in Leadership
Celebrating the incredible journeys of Equity in Leadership across the University of Leeds

The following stories highlight the challenges and triumphs that have shaped the paths of some of our Equity in Leadership participants - offering an intimate look into how they became the inspiring leaders they are today.
Each journey is unique, yet they share a common thread of resilience, ambition, and a commitment to equity and inclusion.
These journeys are a testament to the power of perseverance and the impact of leadership that reflects the richness of our communities. They serve as a source of inspiration for those navigating their own challenges and striving to make a meaningful difference.

Further information
About Equity in Leadership
The White Rose Equity in Leadership Programme is a novel initiative in collaboration with the University of Leeds, University of Sheffield, and University of York.
The purpose of the programme is to take an equity-based approach to supporting career progression opportunities for global majority talent, with the aim of diversifying leadership in higher education, both in academia and professional services.
A note on terminology
The University recognises the importance of racial and ethnic terminology and understands that individuals use different terms to identify and represent themselves.
In keeping with the commitment to co-creation for this programme, the Equity in Leadership Programme team asked all participants to vote on the term that they felt best represented them. The term “global majorities” received the most votes, as it provides a more positive perspective compared to the othering narrative of “minority groups”.
The University of Leeds Equality and Inclusion Unit (EIU) is developing a race and ethnicity terminology resource, which will be published soon. Additionally, the EIU will be leading work within the University through staff and student consultation to develop a shared terminology.