Campus news

Find out about the new sculpture on campus, a ministerial visit, and a celebration of the University's literary treasures.

Sculpture outside the Edward Boyle Library

A sculpture by Sir Eduardo Paolozzi has been installed outside the Edward Boyle Library

A sculpture by Sir Eduardo Paolozzi has been installed outside the Edward Boyle Library

Inspired by Newton

A sculpture by Sir Eduardo Paolozzi has been installed outside the Edward Boyle Library, joining a growing collection of public art on the University’s campus. Showing a mechanical figure crouched over a mathematical diagram, the bronze sculpture, ‘Master of the Universe’ (1989) is based on a drawing by artist and poet William Blake depicting physicist and mathematician Sir Isaac Newton.

The piece was donated by Douglas Caster (Electronic and Electrical Engineering 1975) who said: “The sculpture represents how I feel about my education at Leeds: exposure to different kinds of knowledge that came together and enriched my life. I hope it inspires generations of students to stay curious and keep learning.”

Our Brontë treasures

A selection of open books and manuscripts

Handwritten poems, miniature books and printed first editions featured in a campus exhibition about Yorkshire’s most famous literary family. ‘Becoming the Brontës’ followed Charlotte, Branwell, Emily and Anne Brontë through their childhoods to the beginning of their literary careers and, finally, their lasting literary legacy.

Insights into science

From medical robotics to computers which think like a human brain, members of the University’s Brotherton Circle were given an exclusive insight into the work of our Bragg Centre for Materials Research during a special event in September.

The annual Brotherton Circle event featured talks by research leaders, and the opportunity to explore the Bragg Centre’s laboratories and their remarkable arsenal of equipment which is used to examine and create materials at the atomic scale.

Named after Lord Brotherton, one of the University’s most significant benefactors, the Brotherton Circle recognises the special commitment made by those who have pledged a gift to the University in their will. To learn more, and see a video of the event, visit:

Researchers present to a group

Supported to succeed

Third year maths student Natasha Pickard has won a national award for her academic success while living with mental illness.

The Social Mobility Award was made by the charity upReach, which works with universities and employers to help disadvantaged students realise their potential.

Following an interrupted school education, Natasha came to Leeds after the birth of her son Oscar. Though still a new mum juggling part-time work, her academic achievement and commitment won her a place on the Laidlaw Scholarship Programme, enabling her to join a research programme while still an undergraduate. She was also offered an internship by Rolls-Royce.

Natasha also joined the Plus Programme which supports students from backgrounds underrepresented at university.

“I’ve experienced a snowball effect of positive events,” she said. “The support at Leeds is amazing.”

Read more about Natasha and her award.

Natasha and her son sit outside LUU

Natasha Pickard with her son Oscar, aged three

Natasha Pickard with her son Oscar, aged three

Natasha and Oscar walk past LUU

Natasha joined the Plus Programme which supports students from backgrounds underrepresented at university

Natasha joined the Plus Programme which supports students from backgrounds underrepresented at university

Natasha holds her award

Natasha was presented with the Social Mobility Award

Natasha was presented with the Social Mobility Award

Network will remove barriers to progress

A trailblazing academic, one of only 61 black women professors in the UK, has launched a global network aimed at supporting and upskilling other female academics of African, African diaspora and dual heritage.

Lisa-Dionne Morris, Professor of Public and Industry Understanding of Capability Driven Design in the School of Mechanical Engineering, wants to remove barriers that can prevent black academics from achieving their career goals. She hopes the new Black Female Academics’ Network will stretch far beyond Leeds and across the world.

“I developed my understanding of the higher education system with the guidance of three very kind people, a UK white male academic and two international white female academics,” she said. “Now the aim is for us to do this for ourselves: for black females to mentor black females, sponsor black females, support black females, train black females, but with the support of different people from different cultures.”

A gift to journalism

Journalism students are now able to hone their broadcasting skills on a TV set used by Channel 4 News presenters, thanks to a special collaboration with the University.

The programme donated its highperformance equipment and technology from its temporary studio in Leeds to the School of Media and Communication.

Head of School Kristyn Gorton said: “We are very grateful for Channel 4 News' kind donation, and for the opportunity to use such a well-recognised TV set. It will be put to good use by students and staff within the school and I know they're already looking forward to using it.”

Esme Wren, Editor of Channel 4 News, said: “Our industry is only as good as the talent we develop and the opportunities we create, so we hope this donation will support the University in continuing to shape some of the country’s brightest young journalists.”

Minister’s praise

A group image of 8 visitors to the University

Minister for Energy Security and Net Zero, Graham Stuart MP (centre) held meetings with our environmental experts during his visit to campus.

Minister for Energy Security and Net Zero, Graham Stuart MP (centre) held meetings with our environmental experts during his visit to campus.

Pioneering Leeds environment research has been applauded by Government's Minister for Energy Security and Net Zero.

Graham Stuart MP met climate and net zero experts during discussions on transport, innovation, net zero agriculture and carbon capture utilisation and storage. The minister also met researchers who are leading on the University Climate Plan, a ten-year £174 million commitment towards achieving our goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

The minister visited the University’s sustainable garden, a diverse space at the heart of campus for staff, students and visitors to enjoy quiet contemplation with an edible community garden for all, with a mix of allotment and forest garden style planting.

Vice-Chancellor steps down

Simone Buitendijk smiling in a chair

Professor Simone Buitendijk has stepped down as Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Leeds, to seek new leadership opportunities in higher education.

Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Hai-Sui Yu became interim Vice-Chancellor on 1 November. A global recruitment search will now take place to identify her permanent successor.