I’m Still Me
Portraits and stories of cancer rehabilitation with facial prostheses

Professor Alan Mighell
Professor Alan Mighell
I’m Still Me gives an insight into the experiences of patients who are forever changed by head and neck cancer. Once their treatment ends, another journey begins – that of coming to terms with presenting differently in the world.
The IMPRESSeD study, led by Rachael Jablonski for her PhD, aimed to make part of this journey easier for patients to bear, and I’m Still Me allows patients to voice how the process has impacted them.
These projects deliver the School of Dentistry's approach of applying innovation to transform patient and population quality of life through world-leading research.
Rachael, supported by others with wide-ranging expertise and skills, and working in close partnership with patients, captures the value of pushing the boundaries to make a real difference to lives.
Thank you to all who participated in this thought-provoking, impactful, and wonderful project.
Professor Alan Mighell
Dean of the School of Dentistry, University of Leeds
Transcript for the I'm Still Me video (opens in a new window)

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