Help Leeds students put their Future First

You understand, more than most, the power university has to transform a person's future.
However, for far too many, focusing on that future is not a luxury they can afford. Nowhere is this clearer than with Emillie, whose story you can read about below.
Today, the rising cost of living means that many more talented students like Emillie are wondering whether they can afford to come to Leeds. They’re having to decide between their future and paying their bills.
Right now, too many are missing out on the chance to further their ambitions. And our society is missing out on their skills, perspectives and insights.
But you can help to change this. Your donation today could help to fund a scholarship for another student like Emillie, so they can come to Leeds with fewer financial worries. Your gift could help them pay their rent and bills, so they can make the most of their talent and put their future first.
Our scholarships funding deadline is 31 July – please can you give today to support as many students as possible this autumn term?
Thank you,
Steve Gleadall
Educational Engagement Manager, University of Leeds
“Money was extremely tight. Each month, I had to choose a bill that I wasn’t going to pay so I could afford to eat.”

Two years ago, Emillie was heavily pregnant with her first child, and had just escaped a situation where she experienced domestic violence. Growing up in poverty, she was determined to make a better life for her and her son.
Her heart was set on studying to be a social worker, having experienced first-hand the support they had given her. But all she could do is stay afloat.
That’s when Emillie heard about the financial support for students like her, which is only possible thanks to alumni and supporter generosity.
She applied for and received a scholarship of £3,000 each year, which changed everything. Her scholarship meant Emillie could put her studies first, safe in the knowledge she could afford everyday costs such as rent and meals.
“When I got on my course and received the support, I couldn’t believe I’d actually done it. All that stress was so worth it in the end.”

By giving today you will support students who;
- Are from low-income households, whose families aren't able to cover the rising cost of living and studying away from home;
- Are the first in their family to go to university or come from a school or area where not many people go into higher education. They might find it harder to feel like they belong or believe they can succeed at university;
- Have been in care or estranged from their families and may lack the support networks required, both financial and personal, to take on the challenges of university life;
- Have caring responsibilities, which might make focusing on their studies difficult and the need for financial security all the more important;
- Have refugee or humanitarian status. Having to already overcome incredible barriers already to come to Leeds, these students will have to juggle settling into university life and their studies whilst also adapting to a new country, language and culture.
These students struggle to put, or may not have anyone who puts, their future first. Your support is transformative and enables them to thrive at Leeds and beyond.
Your support will...
- Provide students with a sense of financial security, through their scholarship. Paid in monthly installments, undergraduate scholars receive £3,000 a year to cover the costs of university life. Be that paying for rent, food and bills or funding their participation in a club or society, volunteering opportunities or helping them to discover a new passion or hobby;
- Give students access to a range of support targeted to their needs through initiatives such as the Plus Programme. This support includes; academic skills workshops or events where they can meet other students like them and start to build networks of support. Programmes which help them find professional role models or connections to help them reach their careers aspirations. Or a friendly voice over the phone when they’re feeling overwhelmed;
- Help students to feel like they belong in our academic and student community and show them that the University, and our incredible supporters, are invested in their success and happiness.

“I want to do better for me and my son. I want to help other people like me. And your support is a massive part of that. You can make such a difference to future students. You can make the world a better place.”

Please give today
Every scholarship you help to give is a life-changing chance for one more student.
Why give a regular gift by direct debit?
By choosing to give regularly by direct debit, you will help us to;
- Look to the future and ensure that more students like Emillie can be provided with a scholarship.
- Be bold in our approaches to the increasing demand for support and flexible to meet students’ changing needs. Whether that’s to support their wellbeing, academic achievement or even career aspirations.
You’ll join a community of almost 2,000 alumni and supporters who are behind students like Emillie every step of the way. From taking up their place at Leeds, all the way through to the day they don their graduation gown and take steps into their careers.