Get behind more Leeds students

As Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Student Education, it’s my job to ensure that we provide every student with the best chance to find success at Leeds and beyond, but I can’t do this without your help.
With recent increases in the cost of living compounded by the economic aftershocks of the pandemic, many students from less advantaged backgrounds will be struggling to decide whether they can afford to take up the opportunity to go into higher education and study at Leeds.
The opportunity to experience the well-rounded education that many of our alumni will remember from their time with us. An education full of chances to explore their passions in and out of lectures and labs and take their learnings into society where our graduates have an incredible impact.
There is greater demand than ever for the support which you can offer. Please give today to support more students with the gift of a scholarship.
Meegan is a shining example of why your support for scholarships is so important.
Moving to England, aged just 15, in quick succession Meegan lost her mother and became estranged from her father. She lived with her brother during her A Levels and, unlike most of her peers, had to become independent at an early and formative age.
"I didn’t have a traditional support network when I was at school.
I didn’t have a place to work at home, and for a time slept on the sofa in my brother’s university accommodation.
When I began to plan for university, I had to figure out how I was going to pay my bills, afford food and just live. It was another stress on top of what was already a difficult situation."

"I remember the day that I was told I was getting a scholarship.
I was sat in the library on one of those desks with the partitions– and I leant forward so no one could see my tears. They were tears of joy, of relief and of pride.
Once I collected myself, I began to plan and get excited about going to Leeds."

Unfortunately, we are unable to award every deserving student a scholarship.
With hundreds applying for scholarships last year, only 1 in 8 were successful. And we anticipate the number of applications to only rise.

By giving today you will support students who;
- Are from low-income households, whose families aren't able to cover the rising cost of living and studying away from home;
- Are the first in their family to go to university or come from a school or area where not many people go into higher education. They might find it harder to feel like they belong or believe they can succeed at university;
- Have been in care or estranged from their families and may lack the support networks required, both financial and personal, to take on the challenges of university life;
- Have caring responsibilities, which might make focusing on their studies difficult and the need for financial security all the more important;
- Have refugee or humanitarian status. Having to already overcome incredible barriers already to come to Leeds, these students will have to juggle settling into university life and their studies whilst also adapting to a new country, language and culture.
Beyond the financial concerns which these students may face – they often need support in finding a community and feeling at home at Leeds.
Your support will...
- Provide students with a sense of financial security, through their scholarship. Paid in monthly installments, undergraduate scholars receive £3,000 a year to cover the costs of university life. Be that paying for rent, food and bills or funding their participation in a club or society, volunteering opportunities or helping them to discover a new passion or hobby;
- Give students access to a range of support targeted to their needs through initiatives such as the Plus Programme. This support includes; academic skills workshops or events where they can meet other students like them and start to build networks of support. Programmes which help them find professional role models or connections to help them reach their careers aspirations. Or a friendly voice over the phone when they’re feeling overwhelmed;
- Help students to feel like they belong in our academic and student community and show them that the University, and our incredible supporters, are invested in their success and happiness.

Today will you get behind more students like...
“The situation I found myself in before going into university was not at all enviable. I had been experiencing a very tough family situation for the last three years, following the loss of my grandmother who helped raised me. Thanks to your help I’ve been able to get through studies and day to day life with more ease, honing my focus even more towards my academic goals without any interference of financial stress.”

“I come from a working-class ex-mining town, which is not known for getting students into higher education. The cost of university was definitely a worry, especially since I was going through it alone and many of my peers back home kept telling me university was ‘pointless’. Your kindness has made a hugely positive impact on mine and my family’s lives: both through relieving my family’s financial worries and by allowing me to maximise my academic potential.”

“During my childhood I was diagnosed with autism which impacted my school experience. Whilst I overcame this and my parents supported my aspiration of applying to university, I knew the financial burden was something I was going to have to shoulder myself. Your support enabled me to cope financially and took away these concerns. Initiatives such as the Plus Programme really helped me find my footing and meet friends at university.”

“My parents moved away from Nigeria when they were young, because they wanted to give their future children opportunities that they didn’t have. I am the first in my family to go onto higher education and my scholarship has helped me to settle in, because I don’t have to worry about money so much. I’ve been able to get more involved in extracurricular activities – including joining societies and volunteering.”

“I was a carer for my nan and dad before coming to Leeds and, being the first in my family to go to university, I didn’t really know what to expect. I’m so grateful for my scholarship, which has given me the opportunity to take part and not feel left out of university life. I’m the president of the kickboxing society and have presented a medical conferences – all opportunities I couldn’t have taken up without your support.”

“I come from a rather deprived area in South East London and my parents were on income support and child benefit at the time, so I found the potential cost of university very daunting. I am also an ethnic minority who struggles with their mental health, so was worried about fitting in. The scholarship greatly reduced any financial concerns and allowed me to make friends and feel at home in a stress-free environment.”

"Whilst my degree is nearly at an end, the story doesn’t finish there.
After me there are many more students who need your life-changing support.
I look forward to a time when I can afford to join you in helping them to have the same incredible opportunities I have."

Please give today
Every scholarship you help to give is a life-changing chance for one more student.
Why give a regular gift by direct debit?
By choosing to give regularly by direct debit, you will help us to;
- Look to the future and ensure that more students like Meegan can be provided with a scholarship.
- Be bold in our approaches to the increasing demand for support and flexible to meet students’ changing needs. Whether that’s to support their wellbeing, academic achievement or even career aspirations.
You’ll join a community of almost 2,000 alumni and supporters who are behind students like Meegan every step of the way. From taking up their place at Leeds, all the way through to the day they don their graduation gown and take steps into their careers.

Leave a Leeds welcome for our 2022 scholars